Demand Responsive Transport Systems in Rural Areas (EcoBus)
Demographic change is prevalent in rural regions against the backdrop of an aging society as well as out-migration due to a lack of employment opportunities employment opportunities and poor infrastructure. Given a fixed budget for transport operators, declining demand leads to high operating costs per transported customer. This makes the provision of public transport economically inefficient and People in rural areas become highly dependent on private motorized transport. Accordingly, public transport needs to be transformed through digitalization measures. For this purpose, the DRT system Ecobus was developed for rural areas as a door-to-door system.
Status: landed but continuation planned
Source: Einbecker Morgenpost
Basic funding of the Max Planck Society and supported by the funding program „Innovation durch Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen“: Physics of an integrated public transport system, Application-No. 85003731 from the European Regional Development Fund.
Avermann, N., & Schlüter, J. C. (2019). Determinants of customer satisfaction with a true door-to-door DRT service in rural Germany. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 32: 100420. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2019.100420
Lahner, J., Schlüter, J. C., & Sörensen, L. (2019). Digitalisierung im ÖPNV: vom Rufbus zu einem intelligenten nachfrageorientierten System im ländlichen Raum. Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen, II/2019, 178-191. doi:10.5771/9783529096112-178
Sörensen, L., Bossert, A., Jokinen, J. P., & Schlüter, J. (2020). How much flexibility does rural public transport need?–Implications from a fully flexible DRT system. Transport Policy, 100, 5-20. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2020.09.005
Gebauer, A., Fingerhut, J., Lahner, J., & Schlüter, J. C. (2019). Verkehrsanbindung von Berufsschülern. Standort, 43(1), 9-19.
In Press:
Schlüter, J., Bossert, A., Rössy, P., & Kersting, M. (2021). Impact assessment of autonomous demand responsive transport as a link between urban and rural areas. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 39, 100613.
Herbst, H., Minnich, A., Herminghaus, S., Kneib, T., Wacker, B., & Schlüter, J. C. (03/2020), A Behavioral Economic Perspective on Demand Responsive Transportation, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. submitted@Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Minnich, A., Rau, H., Schlüter, J. C. (2020), The effects of financial and non-financial incentives on the usage of adoor-to-door DRT system: Evidence from a field experiment in rural Germany. Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research (cege) Discussion Papers No. 394