Wind energy is the backbone of renewable energies in Europe.
The high fluctuation of this energy source is one of the main problems to be solved.
Accordingly, complementary technologies and smart power grids are promising approaches.
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Kern, L., Seebaß, J. V., & Schlüter, J. C. (2019). Das Potenzial von vertikalen Windenergieanlagen im Kontext wachsender Flächennutzungskonflikte und Akzeptanzprobleme der Windenergie. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 43, 289-302.
Lichter, J., Hosius, E., Wacker, B., & Schlüter, J. C. (2020). Der Einfluss von Offshore-Windenergie auf die EEX-Strompreise. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 44, 85-99.
Wacker, B., Seebaß, J. V., & Schlüter, J. C. (2020). A modular framework for estimating annual averaged power output generation of wind turbines. Energy Conversion and Management, 221: 113149. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113149
Hosius, E., J., Seebass, J., V., Wacker, B., Schlüter, J. C.. The Impact of Offshore and Onshore wind Energy on European Wholesale Electricity Prices submitted@Energy Economics
v. Detten, J., Seebass, J., V., Schlüter, J. C., Hackelberg, F.. Influence of Onshore Wind Turbines on Land Values
Wacker, B., Kneib, T., & Schlüter, J. C. (02/2020), Revisiting Maximum Log-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Two-Parameter Weibull Distributions: Theory and Applications.
Wacker, B., & Schlüter, J. C. (2021). Pipeline for Annual Averaged Wind Power Output Generation Prediction of Wind Turbines Based on Large Wind Speed Data Sets and Power Curve Data. MethodsX, 8, 101499. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2021.101499
Books & Technical Reports
Technical Report 6 "Energy Trade"